The cheapest and most convenient way of getting from Hanoi to Phong Nha is by overnight sleeper bus. We can suggest the Hung Thanh bus company which departs at 18:00 daily and arrives in the centre of Phong Nha at approximately 04:00 in the morning.
The sleeping bus is air-conditioned, and occasionally has wi-fi. There is a toilet at the back of the bus, and usually the bus will make a stop near Ninh Binh along the way, where there are (basic) toilet facilities.
You can purchase your bus ticket at the following places. Please be advised that it is very difficult to purchase this bus ticket prior to your arrival in Hanoi.
Please visit these links for the current train timetables:
Southbound: Hanoi to Saigon
Northbound: Saigon to Hanoi
Book your train to Dong Hoi, not Dong Ha (a common mistake). You can then get to Phong Nha from Dong Hoi by private transfer, local taxi or local bus. Please see our page on how to get here from Dong Hoi.
Flights from Hanoi to Dong Hoi operate daily through Vietnam Airlines, VietJet Air and Bamboo. Dong Hoi is the nearest domestic airport to Phong Nha. It is located 45km away and it is very easy to get here from Dong Hoi. The flights are often very affordable and sometimes even cheaper than the overnight bus or train, so it is certainly worth considering especially as it is much faster.
Book your flight to Dong Hoi airport. You can then get to Phong Nha from Dong Hoi airport by private transfer, local taxi or local bus. Please see our page on how to get here from Dong Hoi.